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Time to Revisit Your Marketing

As we approach the end of the year, every business takes the time to look back at what was accomplished. Doing so provides you with a better understanding of how your strategies worked in terms of retaining existing clients and attracting new customers. While customer retention should be a key focus, this is a great opportunity to get a jump start on your competition as you start putting together a plan for the upcoming New Year.

We all know how cluttered the marketplace is, but it is crucial to understand that the more you tailor your campaign towards a specific audience, the better your outcome will be. And in this day and age, the goal should be geared towards building an engaged audience so that you stay top of mind no matter what. Social media has changed the landscape of marketing in addition to setting the expectations of customers really high in terms of quality of service and products.

Although such a change has increased the burden on the shoulders of businesses, it is important to understand that social media is only one element of your marketing mix.  Your colors, font, logo, printed collateral material, indoor and outdoor business signage, lobby signs, wall murals, booths design at trade shows, and vehicle wraps… all play a major role in how effective your marketing efforts are or could be.

Social media has empowered consumers to voice their opinion and to share feedback with sellers. As a business, such a dynamic should really work to your advantage as you listen, monitor and pay attention to what is being said in the marketplace about your industry, competition and company so that you revisit and adjust your approach and offerings to increase your chances of success.
